How To Pronounce Donate?


Pronounce Donate in English

When you're trying to pronounce Donate, there are a few ways to do it correctly. The first is to say the H sound as a short 'h' sound. Then say the D sound as a short 'd' sound. Finally, add a long e at the end of your word. This is easier than it sounds!


Pronunciation: [dɑnˈtē]

Function: verb

Etymology: from Latin donare, meaning "to give"


Donate is pronounced "don-EET"

Donate, don't donate.

Donate, don't donate a dime.

Donate, don't donate a penny.


Donate means "to give or donate" in English.

The word donate is a verb and means to give or donate.

The word donate is a noun, and it means "something that is given or donated."


How To Pronounce Donate?

The word "donate" is made up of two parts: "don" and "ate." When you're pronouncing a word with two parts, there's always one part that's easier to say than the other.

For example, if you want to say "donate," all you have to do is put the "don" at the end of your sentence and not worry about saying the other part. So if you want to say "donate," just say donate!


Donate is a word that's easy to say, but not so easy to pronounce. In the English language, donate means "to give to charity." But it's also the word for a donation made by an individual or organization.

So how do you say Donate? You can follow these steps:

1) Say "don't."

2) Say "don't."

3) Say "don't."

4) Say "don't."


Donate is pronounced as "don-ATE."


Pronunciation: donate

What it means: to give something to a cause or charity


How To Pronounce Donate?

Donate is a verb that means to give something. It is the past participle of donate and its pronunciation is "don-ATE". The word donate can be used as a noun, meaning "a gift".


How To Pronounce Donate?

The first way to pronounce donate is to say it "don-ay-tay."

The second way to pronounce donate is to say it "don-uh-tay."

Both pronunciations are correct, but the second pronunciation is more common.


Pronunciation for Donate:

Donate is a five-letter word that can be pronounced in several different ways. While we believe we've heard it pronounced in four different ways ourselves, we could be wrong. If you're able to provide the correct pronunciation of Donate, please send it our way!


Pronunciation of Donate


There is no easy way to say Donate. It's pronounced like the name Donald, but with an 's' at the beginning. The "s" is silent, though. So, if you want to say it as a word alone, you can't say "dun-zaid." You need to say it as "don-zaid."


How To Pronounce Donate?

The best way to pronounce Donate is to say it like "don-ayt." The stress is on the last syllable, so you should say it with a long, drawn-out sound.

For example: "Donate" has the same pronunciation as "don't."

Pronunciation: donate

How to Pronounce Donate: don't-uh-vay


Pronunciation: donate

The pronunciation of Donate is [dəˈneɪt]. It's a three-syllable word with the stress on the first syllable.

The word means "to give something to charity," and it is pronounced [dəˈneɪt].

You can use Donate as a noun or an adjective. A noun is used to describe someone who donates money or other items. An adjective describes something that you are donating, like "donating your time" or "donating blood."


Pronunciation: donate

The pronunciation of Donate is [dəˈneɪt]. It's a three-syllable word with the stress on the first syllable.

The word means "to give something to charity," and it is pronounced [dəˈneɪt].

You can use Donate as a noun or an adjective. A noun is used to describe someone who donates money or other items. An adjective describes something that you are donating, like "donating your time" or "donating blood."


Donate is a verb. You can use it to mean "to give something" or "to donate money."

To say that you donate your time, you can say:

I am donating my time to the cause.

I am donating money to the cause.

To say that someone donates money, you can say:

The donor has donated $10,000 for the cause.

The donor has donated $100 for the cause.

To say that someone donates an item, you can say:

The donor has donated their old computer to the cause.

The donor has donated their old shirt to the cause.


How To Pronounce Donate?

To say donate, you'll need to start with the letter D. The first sound is a long one, so it's best to say it as though you're blowing out a candle. Next, say the "oh" sound at the end of "donate." To do this, just make your lips rounder and softer than usual.



Donate is a word that means to donate money or property.

Here’s how to pronounce Donate: [dah-NOOT]

The “n” sound is silent.


Donate is a word that means to donate money or property.

Here’s how to pronounce Donate: [dah-NOOT]

The “n” sound is silent.


Pronunciation: [don-ayt]

Did you know that the word "donate" used to be spelled "donate"? Well, it's not anymore! A lot of people pronounce it as [doh-NAYT], but we prefer [doh-NAYTE]. Our favorite is [doh-NAYTAY].

If you're still trying to get used to what the correct way to pronounce this word is, here are a few tips:

1. The first syllable is pronounced like "door."

2. The second syllable is pronounced like "not."

3. The third syllable has a long i: [tay].



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