How To Pronounce Mortgage?

 You need to go through five stages: choose a bank, choose the desired premises, conclude a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the owner, transfer ownership, settle with the seller. We have selected articles about itA mortgage broker himself submits applications, collects documents and negotiates with banks. He chooses the most beneficial mortgage loan for the client.In everyday life, call a mortgage for a loan to a bank or a loan for a house where the borrower lives. Legally, this is not the case.

A mortgage is a type of deposit. Deposit - the property left by the debtor. If he does not repay the loan, the debtor has the right to sell the deposit to recover the money. Real estate can be placed not only in a loan agreement, but also in a contract of sale, lease or contract. All this will be a mortgage.

A loan issued according to such a scheme is called a mortgage loan.  We will do the same in the article.In practice, a loan is taken out for the purchase of a loan, which is secured. If the borrower does not pay the obligation, he cannot completely dispose of the purchased real estate, for example, by selling or giving it away.

The interest rate on a mortgage loan is usually lower than on other types of loans. Finally, the risk of not getting your money back is very low for the lender. If the debtor is unable to make payments on time, the real estate is sold, and the proceeds can be used to pay off the debt. If the debtor has several creditors, and he has nothing to pay, then the first person to issue a mortgage for the money from the sale of the Legislative rules. The main document regulating mortgage lending in Russia is the "Federal Law" on mortgages.

The military mortgage was included in the Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the accumulation and mortgage system for housing for military personnel" No. 370.

The role of mortgages in the economy. Mortgage has a positive effect on the country's economy for the following reasonsPeople keep some savings in mines or houses under the pillow, but as a result, housing invests, and as a result, money works in the economy.

The construction industry is booming because when property is usually bought, it gets bigger and more construction is underway. In parallel, production of building materials is growing.
Banks, increasing the loan portfolio, working with secured loans. The share of mortgages, the share of the country's more stable banking system is high.:What is the difference between a mortgage and a loan? A loan is a loan, a mortgage is a deposit that lends. Officially, the scheme is as follows: you take out a loan, and the property purchased with this loan is the property purchased. At the same time, you use the real estate created. This is a form of form and a mortgage.

Therefore, you cannot get a mortgage. You can get a mortgage loan.

What is the difference between a mortgage and a pledge? A mortgage is a deposit, but the concept of a pledge is broader. You can put almost any property. A mortgage is when a property is let.Therefore, a mortgage is called a loan secured by real estate. The remnants of the created apartment were carelessly registered in Rosrestr. With a standard loan, it is also, for example, a car or gold, but they do not report anywhere, only a little written collateral agreement.The client submits an application to the bank, indicates the required amount and purpose of the loan. The purpose of the loan is the most important thing. In the application, indicate that you plan to buy, or if you don't buy anything, or if you don't buy anything

, but get a loan for refinancing and leave your apartment as a deposit. If you start from the beginning and then get approval, it may be necessary to review the application.The bank learns the borrower's documents: for example, the 2nd NDFL certificate, a copy of the work book where experience is indicated. The bank also looks at the credit history and credit rating of the prospective borrower. If the lender is confident that the customer can make the payments on time, he will approve the loanIf he is confident that he can make the payments, he approves the loan.
The client is looking for a real estate object in a new building or on the secondary market.
After the client chooses real estate, he submits the documents to the bank.

If the bank approves the transaction, the seller and buyer sign the contract. Officially, the calculation usually occurs at this stage: the buyer takes the money to the cell or account, but it has not yet actually reached the sellerThe bank prepares documents on the transfer of property and encumbrances to real estate. When the corn is registered, make a mortgage. A mortgage is security. The mortgagee has the right to own the property or to sell the property and pay off the borrower's debt. The client provides the documents to Roserester and the mortgage remains with the bank.
After documenting the documents, the seller can access the money.

After the borrower repays the loan, the bank returns the mortgage.If in any case, the client stops paying, then the bank will sell the real estate. A debtor buyer often sells the apartment. Earnings return the loan, the balance is the borrower.
This is a simplified diagram. There are many nuances in mortgages, various bank products. Loan terms vary from bank to bank and depend on many factors, such as:Financial experts do not agree to take out a mortgage if you get more than half of the deposit. Mortgages last a long time. If it is difficult to repay the loan immediately, it will be more difficult after a few years. Due to inflation, the price of everything increases, paying the loan, paying off the loan, does not work.The opportunity to buy housing without having to spend all the required amount.

You can fix yourself without asking what you want, without letting anyone else fix you.
A mortgage is the ability to set the price of a home. Everything is more expensive, there is no apartment;
Saves or earns money for a mortgage apartment. If it is placed on the borrower, he will keep the rent. If you transfer someone else - pay. Rents are rising, while loan payments remain the same.
MortgageOften this is a loan for many years or even decades. If the borrower loses his job and cannot pay, the bank will take the apartment.
Huge overpayment. For example, a loan of up to 5 years is almost one and a half times more than a loan of up to 5 years.

Insurance costs. In addition to the initial deposit, you will need money to insure the apartment. Insurance premiums must be made annually until the loan is closed. Another bank requires the life and health insurance of the borrower. If the client does not insure his life and health, the mortgage interest rate will increase.Sell ​​your mortgage housing on your own initiative, only with the permission of the bank. It will be necessary to sell with a guarantee - it is more difficult. If the buyer is in cash, it will be easier. But it can be with a mortgage. If his initial investment covers the balance of the mortgage debt, then there are no problems. If it is not included - you need to find a bank that agrees to execute such an agreement

. But many transactions are carried out.But sometimes it is convenient for the borrower to get a regular consumer loan, not a mortgage, but a regular consumer loan. For example, if a small amount is not enough - it is 15-20% of the total cost of housing. A consumer loan is paid off faster, it is not a mortgage, and its issuance is more likely.Mortgage or savings. If you own your own apartment, look into investing in new real estate. The money that went to the initial investment attracts interest. A part of the salary that should be paid in the bank can also be transferred to the deposit.

Mortgage or lease. If the amount of mortgage payments is higher than the monthly rent, it is more profitable to buy a house than to take it to a mortgage. The money that goes to a monthly investment can be divided into two parts: one to rent an apartment, and the other to postpone.Oleg has a deposit of 400,000 rubles. Salary includes 30 thousand rubles of free money. Instead of paying them to the mortgage bank, you can rent an apartment for up to 10 thousand, and the remaining 20 thousand can be deferred.

The price of an apartment like yours is 2 million rubles. The bank gives a mortgage from 10%, and deposits from 6%. Let's consider both options: keeping or taking out a loan.The savings on the apartment expire after 5 years and 2 months. During this time, he invested 2 million rubles, including 360,000 soms, and he cheated the bank in the form of interest. 620,000, rent the apartment for the whole period.

This mortgage will be paid off in 5 years and 10 months. 400 thousand will be considered as an initial investment and 1.6 million oleg will have a loan and will reach 30 thousand monthly. As a result, the overpayment on the loan will be 518 thousand rubles.

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